The first All British hand-made Glasswasher in India simply Rocks!

An all British make est. 1950s

Vino Barzzoni launches the first All British engineering in automatic glasswashers for the bar, and an extended range of advanced washing solutions for cafes, kitchens, hospitals, and cinema with Clenaware Systems. Clenaware brings to Indian business operators its features used across Europe by the British and European industry focused especially on pubs, to clean beer glasses.

The flat beer problem is a Pandemic

The state of the market is consumers almost always get a beer glass where the foam goes flat by the time the customer even can take first sip. Glass is the biggest contributor to flat beer, proceeding with warm temperature. This is where Clenaware Sovereign glass washer brings is specialization of English pubs.

Solution to flat beer is here.

The Sovereign by Clenaware offers a 360 degree solution to glassware handling, from cleaning to drying to storing, untouched by towel and lint.

Resultant are ready cool glassware that are beer clean. Expect to serve perfect beer pints. Expect the classic foam head to retain beer’s bouquet and avoid oxidation for your guests to enjoy the freshest drink till the last sip.

Seven features that make Sovereign the Best Glasswasher in India

  1. All British components, engineering and fabrication.
  2. Standard double skin exterior with thermal liner.
  3. Special plastics cycle, to double polycarbonate life and stop the film.
  4. Renovate feature, for glassware.
  5. Self-diagnostics making it easy.
  6. A fresh water machine
  7. Closedown cycle specialty

Special Bonus

The Airack Glass Dryer

Bulk glass drying with

Clenaware Airack

The Airack complements Clenaware Sovereign glass washer to quickly dry out hot glasses in single digit minutes.

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